Epic Fishing Camp Information and Registration: http://www.wolfcollege.com/youth/summer-overnight-camps/fishing-fly-trout-salmon-bass-lake-river-ocean/ Join us on the most exciting week of the year for fishermen and women! Trout start to bite as nighttime weather cools, salmon season opens in the rivers, and crabs are still legal to catch and are growing to size. Whether you’re an experienced angler or new to fishing, come join us for an exciting week of fishing at the very best spots in Western Washington! Learn the basics of rod/reel and fly fishing with our seasoned instructors and try your luck at various sites such as the Puyallup River watershed, North Cascades mountain lakes, and the Salish Sea. Target fish include trout, salmon, steelhead, bass, surf perch, flounder, sole, dogfish shark, dungeness crab, and many more. In the heat of the day when the fishing slows we’ll be learning what it means to be an honorable harvester. You will also learn to clean and cook your fish in various ways with lead instructors and French Culinary School graduate chef Charlie Borrowman to enjoy eating the fruits of your labor. This camp promises to be an exciting and educational experience! Camp Goals & Skills Covered: •Become adept at rod and reel fishing (casting, tackle/set up, troubleshooting, hooking/landing fish, bait/lures) • Begin to learn fly fishing • Get comfortable fishing from river banks, lake shores, ocean piers, and boats • Know how to efficiently find and fish the best locations • Understand the ethics of harvesting animals • Goal that every camper catch fish • Utilize fish spears made in prior camps if available. • Honor any animal harvested by utilizing all of its gifts. • Natural Water Purification (seeps, filters, rock boiling, and locating natural springs) • Wilderness Camping, and Swimming in Natural Waters, depending on camper desire and swim testing. • Fishing with Traditional Technologies. • Use of Fishing Knives, training in skills and safety for everyone, but only those who reach Level II Certification may carry knives in safe sheaths.