Want to find out if a career in aviation or the Air Force Academy is for you? Apply for the Teen Aviation Camp today! Camp is held June 18-24 in Colorado Springs, CO at the USAF Academy. Interested teens, ages 13-18, must apply by Apr. 18. Applicants are required to complete an electronic registration form, and email the forms to SAFB Youth Programs, [email protected]. *NOTE: Only applications in their original format with digital signatures will be accepted. Teens may apply for both Aviation Camp and Space Camp, but must label their preferred camp. Download the application form at www.375fss.com. Eligible applicants include teen dependents of Active Duty Military assigned to or living on an Air Force (AF) Led/Joint Base Installation, AF Retired Military, AF Civilian Employees, activated Air National Guard or AF Reserve. Must be sophomore or junior year in fall of 2016, and provide a valid photo ID. Previous Teen Aviation Camp attendees may not apply. Travel cost to each camp is funded by the applicant. Lodging, meals and program costs will be centrally funded at no cost to the participant. For complete details, call 256-5139, email [email protected] or visit www.375fss.com.