Who's Ready For Summer?! Get ready, because coming back this June, 2016......it's GAN IZZY SUMMER CAMP! FEATURING 3 WEEKS THIS YEAR - June 20-July 8 (No camp July 4) Features: - Full day: 9 AM - 3:30 PM (Early and late care options are available) - A warm, loving, non-judgmental Jewish environment for kids of all affiliations, levels of background, education and observance - NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED! - INCREDIBLE FIELD TRIPS: Fantastic field trips scheduled each week per week to locations such as: The Franklin Institute, Stratosphere Trampoline Park, The Funplex, and Coco Keys Water Park - Jewish Educational Activities, which will instill Jewish values, pride and knowledge that will last a lifetime - Sports - Swimming - Arts & Crafts - Food Art You'll be shocked how much your children will learn in these 3 weeks! Price: Register By April 15: $180/week $510/All 3 Weeks After April 15: $200/week $570/All 3 Weeks Register now at: ChabadDE.com/SummerCamp