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Send a kid to campfest! - Minneapolis, MN

Send a kid to campfest! - Minneapolis, MN

Send a kid to campfest! - Minneapolis, MN
Jun 17

Send a kid to campfest! - Minneapolis, MN

Howdy fellow camp alumni and camp lovers! Come out Friday, June 17th, for a fun filled night of music and drinks at the Columbia heights VFW on 45th and Central. Music will be provided by the awesome cover band, Greyduck with Chelsea Csargo on the vocals who is a former camper, staff member, and current volunteer. This event is a special night to donate money to future campers. Let's help provide kids with the opportunity to experience the magic of the Hodag while building memories they will carry throughout their lifetime! Everyone is welcome... So bring your friends! P.S. Drinks are affordable and there is no cover:)

when: June 17 @ 8pm - 10pm
where: Columbia Heights VFW Post 230, 4446 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55421 (map)
category: Kid Camps


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