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2nd Annual Summer Youth Camp - Manteno, IL

2nd Annual Summer Youth Camp - Manteno, IL

2nd Annual Summer Youth Camp - Manteno, IL
Jul 21

2nd Annual Summer Youth Camp - Manteno, IL

We will be taking 20 young men ages 10 to 18 to Camp Shaw-was-nas-see for three days and two nights of fun, learning and relaxation. Activities included at this event are First Aid, Map & Compass Reading, Basketball, Swimming, Archery, Nature Trail Walks, Zip Lines, Strength and Endurance Training, Mens Rap, where on last year we talked about the detriments of gangs, drugs and violence, and much much more. All meals will be provided. Last year we paid $60 per person to go to this event but through the generous donations of our donors we didnt have to charge any of the families for their young men to participate in this event. We were also able to purchase our insuance and supplies through our donors. This year we have been given a discount $50 per camper and we are praying for the same support this year. There are cabins on the site so we won't be sleeping outside, camp site tours are available. For more information or to donate call Maurice Shelton at (815)386-3246

when: July 21 @ 8am - July 23 @ 3pm
where: Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see, 6641 N 6000W Rd, Manteno, IL (map)
category: Youth Camps


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