Guess who's back volunteering with UniCamp? [UCLA UniCamp is a non-profit organization that sends youth from all over Los Angeles up for a week of camp to get away from everyday life for a bit and create the environments they want for themselves, "singing songs, playing games, and changing lives."] I know what you're thinking. "You graduated. What are you still doing here?" This is a question I had asked myself at one point before deciding to apply for camp this time around. This time…I want to do it right. I want to do it for the campers. Don’t get me wrong, my first year of camp back in 2013 was a blast. But I joined because I had a good time with the other volunteers and it was nice idea to be “doing good.” But youth aren’t just customers you can provide service for and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. As with any other human beings, youth are meant to be lifted up and recognized for the gifts they’ve always possessed. Through UniCamp, we are given the opportunity to be mentors and cheerleaders on their journeys of self-discovery and self-empowerment. While classic camp consists of 10-14 year olds, older camper programs such as UniCorps, WALL, SAIL, and CLIMB engage older teens (15-17 years) in a different manner. I am fortunate to be a part the wonderful UniCorps team this year, which focuses mainly on instilling the ideas of service and leadership in our campers. I am especially excited to see our campers act as role models to the younger ones and witness them bloom in the process. Nothing makes me happier than seeing others realize their value and take ownership of their lives in the direction they want to take! Unfortunately, nothing in life is free. It does cost quite a bit to send a kid up to camp, though the memories made are priceless and worth more than every penny spent. :3 My goal is to fundraise $1200, and while I wish I could donate this all myself, I am asking for some support. Presently, I am offering up my services for any donations to camp - whether it's helping to clean something (car, room, etc), help you out with some work, make a random video, do a dare, follow you around and tell you how pretty you are, etc. You name it, I'll do it for da kids! (exceptions are streaking, murder, and eating celery) This means the world to me and know that your $$ will be helping a camper out, so I can't thank you enough for your support <3 Much Woodsey Love, Marsh DONATE HERE: UniCamp website: