It happened so fast! Only two months till Illage Summer Camp Year SIX! Can't believe it! We have so much magic in store for you this year at Camp! SO MUCH!! And on June 30th you have a chance to help us make that magic happen! We will be hosting a Karaoke Raffle Fundraiser Kickoff Party for Camp at everyones favorite karaoke dive bar, Chopsticks 3!! This is our chance to reunite, generate momentum, raise funds, and sing duets about it. There will be a Raffle with heaps of incredibly thoughtful and inspired Gift Certificates and Prizes for the winning! Donations gladly accepted as well! All proceeds go to the Illage Summer Camp fund and are given directly back to you in the form of temp tatts, first aid supplies, printed camp schedules, fireworks, snacks, sunscreen, floating fun islands, bedazzled trophies, friendship bracelets, s'mores and all kinds of camp-related perks. Please help us make this the best Camp year EVER! We love you!!!