2016 Teen Musical Camp presents Zombie Night! Directed by Vincent Ratzavong Music Direction Derrick Lacasse Choreographer Jake Boyce Producer Jen Rombalski This doo-wopping musical pays great tribute to classic horror flicks like “Night of the Living Dead,” “The Return of the Living Dead” and “Cemetery High.” Howie, Louise, Gary and Phoebe are in charge of “Zombie Night,” the annual senior class party. They locate an abandoned farmhouse by an old graveyard, once occupied by the creepy, crawly Dr. Thanatos, who tried to re-animate the dead (gulp!). Vivian and Anne show up, determined to destroy the party. (They’re sore losers who wanted a sock hop instead.) Enter a grim farmer who warns the kids that it’s dangerous to stay. We soon discover why — zombies! While the decorations go up, the zombies shuffle from the graveyard. Cosmic cannibals! It’s zombies versus students! The spoof races to a spine-chilling and hilarious finale. With a great opportunity for eerie makeup with the zombies, this bebopping fright-fest plays well at Halloween or any time of year!