Each $25 haircut donation sends one child to camp. Come out for an amazing new style! Please RSVP to be added to the Cut-a-thon roster. Our team of stylists will be taking clients on a first come first serve basis. Friends! I would like to share with you a HUGE announcement and partnership with Cold Creek Camp! This summer is the inaugural series of Summer Camps to serve the homeless youth of Clark County and North County! We plan to serve over 250 youth. We have invited Second Step Housing, Aspire and EVERY shelter in the area. This will be a FREE CAMP for them! WE CAN NOT DO THIS ALONE! We need as much help as we can get with fundraising! The vision is that every child leaves Camp inspired to DREAM BIG despite of their present circumstances. We want every child to also be able to leave with a NEW back pack full of supplies, and at least $100 gift card to be able to buy a new school out fit and a new pair of shoes too! Our goal is to raise $10,000 by July 20th. Here is how you can help... 1) Your own personal donation... The website link will be posted below! There will be a beautiful gratitude dinner on the property of the creators of North West Food and Wine festivals for all donations over $500, donations over $500 will also get a receipt for tax write off purposes as well. 2) We are looking for items for a benefit dinner for our live auction. We like everything! Maybe you offer a service, or work for a business that will give? 3) Be watching for some FUN fundraising events and COME SUPPORT THEM and help me share those events with your family! 4) Be on the fundraising team! We would love your ideas, your thoughts and experience! It takes a village to raise a child and so We are looking fore my village to help these kids! 5) We are looking for BUSES! Does your church have a bus or shuttle that would help with transportation? Mostly, we need help getting the word out! Please share my post and contact me directly if you feel moved to help! http://coldcreekcamp.com/ Shawna Cuellar 360-450-1450 [email protected] ittakesavillage #communityoutreach #nonprofit #philanthropy #charity #changemakers #aid #socialgood #cause #volunteer #4change #giveback #dogood #vancouverwa #vancouverwashington #thecouve #pdx