Known World War II: Olympiad The Kingdoms of the Known World gather to celebrate the first anniversary of the end of the Known World War. The Tournaments of Olympiad are being held in conjunction with war games organized to commemorate the signing of the treaties that ended the war. Peace, however is a fragile thing... Muster with Emerald Hills, Rivermoor, and Tal Dagore at Known World War II, celebrate peace... Dates: 16May17 - 21May17 Price: $45 (Gate fee variations will apply) Location: Kelsey Short Youth Camp Dr Smithville, MO, United States Schedule: 16May17 Tuesday - Site Opens 12pm 17May17 Wednesday - Opening Events 18May17 Thursday - Olympiad Qualifications 19May17 Friday - Olympiad 20May17 Saturday - Closing Events 21May17 Sunday - Site Closes 12pm More details coming soon. Website: Link Coming Soon.