There are many things we have to survive in this world. Failures, conflicts, temptations, the list goes on. Though surviving the pressures and conflicts in our lives can be a tough and painful process, we can take comfort in the fact that like a piece of coal, we are being turned into precious diamonds for God's purpose. And in a culture that increasingly pushes Christians to the outskirts, it can be like being stranded on an island. But since the begining us Christians have been called to be set apart, "in the world but not of the world", and we know that through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, that we can more than just meely survive, but we can strive! Join us this year in taking a stand on the principles and truths that the Word of God gives us, stepping up to live out our calling and purpose and learning how to transition from being Survivors to becomeing more than conquerors!! Hope to see you there!!