Haven Place will be doing a FREE Youth Winter Camp. Grades 6th thru 12th. This camp will be focusing on Community Service, Discipleship, We will be having youth grades 6 to 12 stay overnight for three nights. We will be doing community service hours on Friday and Saturday. We will be taking the youth to serve senior citizens in the surrounding area. The youth will be making gifts to bring to the elderly. The youth will also be disciples through a program through D-Now Studies called "The Pause" this discipleship course is four sessions and it will equip youth to learn how to seek God in a never ending multitasking environment. They will each receive a student book and t-shirt. We will be having a New Years Eve party for them. Live band and student mentors will be with them during the camp. Weather permitting we will be shoveling snow and going to sledding hills to pass out free hot cocoa and the gospel message. Possibly do "laundry Love" where we go into a local laundry mat and pay for everyones laundry to be done and more!! Go to website to register your student. www.havenplaceinc.weebly.com go to youth camp registration page. Notary is required. Drop off is Dec. 29 1:00pm at Haven Place Pick up is on Sunday Jan. 1 9:00am at Merritt Academy.