GROOVE DANCE CAMP for the big kids! Come camping with us! Join Creator of The GROOVE Method Misty Tripoli and her team Dani Nobrega and Corinne Sasso for a long FUN weekend of getting your GROOVE ON... AND... CAMPING!!! Schedule of events: Thursday March 9 ~ Check in any time after 3pm. 8:00pm – Welcome GROOVE and bonfire with Misty Then you have several GROOVEY options to choose from: ** BECOME A FACILITATOR - (training 9-5 fri, sat, & sun) Vista, CA - Groove Training for Adult/Kids DANCEfloors - this is for those that want to become facilitator's of the GROOVE DANCEfloor for kids or adults. registration at ** #GROOVINmyLIFE Workshop Experience (1/2 day fri, sat, & sun morning), This is for those that just want to GROOVE, play, connect, chill and do a litttle personal development exploration with Misty. more info and registration at ** Saturday, March 11, 6-10pm - FREE Community GROOVE DANCE - Bring your friends.. Everyone is welcome to this event.. Potluck, play, dance and connect with friends Check-out any time after 12pm ***************************** For more information about our worldwide workshops or to register for this super fun weekend of dance go to See you on the #GROOVEDANCEfloor! #GROOVINmyLIFE The World Groove Movement Misty Tripoli GROOVE Los Angeles GROOVE San Diego Love2GROOVE SLC GROOVE Community