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Lilies Middle Eastern Hafla and Social - Smithville, MO

Lilies Middle Eastern Hafla and Social - Smithville, MO

Lilies Middle Eastern Hafla and Social - Smithville, MO
Jun 11

Lilies Middle Eastern Hafla and Social - Smithville, MO

On the first Sunday of Lilies War 2017, the Falcon Wing Dancers will be hosting our second Annual night of Middle Eastern dancing and music on the swimming beach! We are looking for musicians and dancers to come out and enjoy a beautiful evening under the stars! We would like to intersperse performances with free dance, as well as a few short lessons. If you are interested in performing or teaching a quick short easy dance lesson please message me and I will put you on the list. Musician! We can't do it without you! Bring your woodwinds, strings and drums! There will be a few light snacks and non alcoholic drinks provided. All donations are welcome as well. I can't wait to do my favorite thing at war! More information to come.

when: June 11 @ 8pm - June 12 @ 12am
where: Kelsey Short Youth Camp (map)
category: Youth Camps


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