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Make Plays Summer Camp - Phoenix, AZ

Make Plays Summer Camp - Phoenix, AZ

Make Plays Summer Camp - Phoenix, AZ
May 30

Make Plays Summer Camp - Phoenix, AZ

*It's That Time Again!!! MAKE PLAYS Summer Camp Starts May 30th Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00AM -10:30AM during the summer months $25/athlete/per session Sports performance and athletic development camp for boys and girls ages 10 to 18. Develop athletic abilities and have fun in a competitive environment. We will push you beyond your limits and show you what you're capable of!!! REGISTER TODAY BY CALLING (602) 954-7742 or @makeplayssummercamp

when: May 30 @ 9am - 10:30am
where: Rehab Plus - Sport Performance and Injury Rehabilitation, 4201 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85018 (map)
category: Summer Camps


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