STUDENT REGISTRATION: VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION: JULY 23 – 27TH, 2017 $260 per student (transportation, lodging and meals included) Middle School & High School ages FAQS: WHEN IS CAMP? Camp is July 23-27. We will leave from Shoreline around 2pm on a Sunday afternoon and arrive back at Shoreline on a Thursday afternoon. A light snack will be provided on the way there and back. HOW WILL MY STUDENT GET TO AND FROM CAMP? Charter buses will be used to transport students to and from camp. There will adult leaders on each bus that is taken. WHERE IS SUMMER CAMP? Palacios, Texas. That is South East of Austin. We are going to Texas Baptist Encampment. Here is their website WHAT'S THE COST? Camp is $260 this year. That includes all meals during your students stay at camp as well as any activities that are hosted. Any free time snacks and treats during the course of camp are not included in the price. Fundraising packets are available Sunday’s in the lobby or Wednesday’s in the youth lodge. They are due back July 1st. WHO'S HOSTING CAMP? Jim Graeff’s church out of Victoria, Texas is hosting the camp. Our staff has been involved with all the planning as far as worship, teaching times and games. We are using Texas Baptist’s camp but providing all our own speakers. Your student will be in dorms with Shoreline students and Shoreline leaders as well as having small group time with our church family WHERE DO I REGISTER? Student: It only takes $20 to register and save your students spot.