Address: 42 Kell Rd, Tifton, GA 31793 (2,5h. driving from church) Bus is leaving from church on Monday, July 24 @ 7:00 am Автобус отправляется от церкви в понедельник, 24 июля в 7:00 am Bus will return to church on Friday July в 7:30- 8:00 pm Автобус возвращается в церковь в субботу, 29 июля в 7:30 - 8:00 pm information: Yana Paliy (904) 434-3406 "Journey" Kid’s Camp is an exciting 6 day experience for children ages 6-13. This is a great way for children to learn about God in a fun and engaging setting. Staff and volunteers come together to create an environment where Biblical truths are presented in a way that each child can understand. Activities include outdoor and indoor games, water slides, swimming, crafts, art, prayers, and chapel services. DATES: July 24th - July 29th. AGES: 6-13. COST: $200 per child - (if one child) $185 per child - (if 2 members from one family attend) $155 per child - (if 3 members from one family attend) COST AFTER JUNE 30: $225 per child - (if one child) $210 per child - (if 2 members from one family attend) $180 per child - (if 3 members from one family attend) * Make checks payable to SMBS; all payments are final and non-refundable. KIDS CAMP LOCATION: 42 Kell Rd. Tifton, GA 31793