Camp Grotonwood is proud to present Cultivate, our youth retreat in the fall. The theme this year is 'Salt and Light' and is taken from the book of Matthew 5: 13-16. We all play a valuable role in our culture - you are called to be the salt and light of the Earth. Together, we will explore how you can sprinkle flavor all over your circle and shine in the everyday. Who: Grades 6-12 Where: Grotonwood Camp, Groton, MA Check in: Friday Nov. 3rd 6-7pm Check out: Sunday Nov. 5th 1-1:30pm Cost $140 + Complimentary T.shirt!!! Includes: meals, accomodation, activites & 24-hour onsite nurse. Activities: Team games, sports, leaf peeping hike, mountain biking, arts & crafts take away, clubs, kayaking, chapel, pontoon boat and hay rides, fall theme dance, archery, camp fire and cocoa, store time, seminars and a life changing experience! Register at - click on sign up for camp. Choose Cultivate Youth Retreat: Fall 2017. Financial assistance is available for those who require it in order to attend, please contact the office to request a Campership Form or download one from the website.