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Winter Youth Day Camp - Ages 4-7 - Island City, OR

Winter Youth Day Camp - Ages 4-7 - Island City, OR

Winter Youth Day Camp - Ages 4-7 - Island City, OR
Dec 27

Winter Youth Day Camp - Ages 4-7 - Island City, OR

This camp will be 3 days long and 2 hours per day. We will be working on Walk, Trot, Posting, Leading, Haltering, Steering, Grooming, Parts of the Saddle, Bridle and Horse, and fun trivia about care of ponies/horses. Every kid learns at their own pace. I am here to teach them about horses and riding, while being safe and aware. If they are soaring, I let them soar and will continue teaching them new things. If they need to slow down and work on some smaller things, then they get to. This young age group is here to learn and have fun doing it! Limit 6 Riders. $100 Camp A: 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. Camp B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

when: December 27 @ 9:30am - December 29 @ 2:30pm
where: Victory Acres Farm LLC, 62611 Fruitdale Ln, La Grande, OR, 97850 (map)
category: Youth Camps


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