This is the tentative schedule for the retreat... We plan to have the guest speaker from KBC that does training for them. In our Breakouts we will have 2 groups each time - youth & children's. We will have a breakout leader that has a booming ministry start with what they are doing, using, what did not work and their future goals. After that they will open it up for questions and for each of you to share what you are doing, struggling with or have planned for the future. Friday night is Just for you! You all need to be fed as much as the kids and youth that you serve. We want to just have a little fun! After all is said and done we want you to go back with some ideas that you can use in your own ministries and be refreshed to do so! Hope you and your team will be able to join us! Please share with your church's youth & children's leaders! Registration & Payments due October 1, 2017 Please register by clicking the link 👇🏻