Get connected to the right people who are as committed as you are to building a business by referral. Learn and implement business strategies that allow you to have more fun, make more money, and have more time off! • Find the right business connections and get the introduction. Learn easy ways to make strategic introductions – for yourself and your referral partners. • A personal strategy for one to one conversations, including the #1 most important question to ask. • Evaluate and Select the Best Networks for building the best referral relationships for your business. Includes the Top 3 things to make networking more fun! (and productive!) • Tap into your existing network to easily leap to a new level in your business. Bonus #1: 7 Steps to a Referable LinkedIn Profile Bonus #2: 90 Day Referral Marketing Game Plan – In 6 easy steps you will have your strategy and plan in place to walk into any networking event with CONFIDENCE, and walk out with REFERRALS! 6 Wednesdays starting November 1st from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm! “I took Maile’s six-week Referral Boot Camp and saw my received referrals go up by approximately 65%. I was so impressed from what I was learning that I brought a coworker to Maile’s Referral Success 101… How to Network Like a Pro! My coworker was stunned by the amount of information that he received in an hour and a half class. We are now lobbying our upper management to have Maile come and do a referral class for all the Marketing and Sales Representatives at Servpro.” – Richard Denno “This has been a very enlightening experience and Maile’s strategies have already made a positive impact on my business. A major take-away is how effective one to ones have become. Before meeting Maile, I thought I was a very effective relationship builder. After implementing more ‘purpose’ and ‘intent’, relationships became stronger.” – Elvin Geronimo