Kentucky 4-H believes that all youth should have opportunities for positive youth development in our four guiding concepts: mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity. Started in 2005, the Kentucky 4-H Summit is held annually at the Kentucky 4-H Educational Center in Jabez, KY. This program is for middle school aged youth who are currently enrolled in 6th, 7th, or 8th grades. This program is designed to develop leadership, citizenship, and communication skills. We hope that through participation, 4-H members will make new friends by belonging to a group, master new skills by participation in dynamic workshops, exert independence in a group-living situation and practice generosity through a service learning experience. All delegates will take one leadership workshop taught by members of the Kentucky 4-H State Teen Council. Delegates choose an additional 3 workshops and 2 funshops. The three day, two night conference ends with a motivational program sponsored by one of our state teen program boards/councils. Contact your 4-H Agent for more information. (Credit: Registration deadline is Feb. 15th Fee: $125