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MLK Day Camp - Cockeysville, MD

MLK Day Camp - Cockeysville, MD

MLK Day Camp - Cockeysville, MD
Jan 15

MLK Day Camp - Cockeysville, MD

Kid' Revolution will be hosting a daycamp, when Baltimore County public schools are closed. The Day Camp will run 6:30 AM through 6:30 PM. We will provide a full day of care for school age children and include a field trip to the brand new Dave and busters arcade in Whitemarsh. Please pack a lunch for your child or a pizza and drink maybe ordered for $6. Additional money may be brought by your child, but is not necessary to play the games at Dave and busters. Anyone planning to attend, can register online (below in the comment section) or at Kid's Revolution's facility (there is a sign-up sheet on the door). Must be a kids revolution member to attend.( either: after school program 2018, Summer camp program 2017, martial art classes, hip-hop dance classes, or cheerleading classes). If you have any questions please call our office at 410-666-8000

when: January 15 @ 6:30am - 8:30am
where: Kid's Revolution Cockeysville, 100 Lakefront Drive, Cockeysville, MD (map)
category: Kid Camps


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