Short Kids Camp Info Meeting this Sunday! Parents, if you are thinking about sending a child to Kids Camp this Summer (or volunteering at Kids Camp yourself), I’d like to know what you think! Our Kids Camp schedule is going to change this summer. Typically, we’ve had 3 five-day camp weeks to choose from (Mon-Fri), and we’ve always attended the first week – our kids get out of school earlier than most of the rest of the state, and we love that jumpstart to Summer! This year, however, there are 4 four-day camp sessions to choose from: Camp 1: Monday, June 11 – Thursday, June 14 Camp 2: Friday, June 15 – Monday, June 18 Camp 3: Wednesday, June 20 – Saturday, June 23 Camp 4: Monday, June 25 – Thursday, June 28 I’d like to schedule KidZone to attend one of the first two sessions, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Attending the first session would be most like our normal summer schedule, except that it’ll be a day shorter. Attending the second session would be new and different, but would allow for parents (and others) to volunteer for camp that may not have been able to take an entire week off work in the past. My guess is that it will also be the lowest attended of the four sessions, therefore everything will be a little more personalized for our kids. Join me this Sunday, January 21, in the KZ Green Room for a quick stand-up meeting between services (about 10:05am). We’ll talk about the new schedule and see what may work best for the majority of our New Life families. I hope to see you there! Pastor Aaron Gruber Children’s Pastor [email protected]