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Youth Witch Camp - Olympia, WA

Youth Witch Camp - Olympia, WA

Youth Witch Camp - Olympia, WA
Jun 25

Youth Witch Camp - Olympia, WA

Registration coming soon!!! Jun 25-29: This is a 5 day camp for youth (ages 7-12) coming into their own magic and power. We'll interpret our dreams, learn about intuition and consent, explore right relations & learn local Indigenous history, make pendulums, plant medicine and explore forms of divination. Throughout the week, we will explore all things witches, learn about listening to plants, making potions, using all our special senses, making power necklaces, finding magic in our bodies, exploring the wilderness, and creating rituals, while meeting others interested in the same! Luminous and intuitive folks from the community will join us to teach a special skill or craft that will help you feel inspired on your creative, guided, confident and magical path! Because of the very intentional nature of this camp, we ask that youth are interested and motivated by the topics and material! Other potential activities include: - Eating wild plants - Creating fire with friction - exploring our ancestry - exploring stereotypes and systems of oppression - theater games - singing songs and making music - movement and meditation - hikes - ecology lessons FIBER ARTS:Learning to weave magic and fiber. Exploring the uses of natural materials. INTRO TO ASTROLOGY:Introduction to concepts of astrology and reading the stars and planets. CONSENT:Learning about consent through activities, games, discussion and crafts. Learning to respect ourselves, other people, plants and animals. BIRD LANGUAGE: What are the birds saying about what is happening all around us? ANIMAL TRACKING:Nature is full of stories, and the signs to read them are all around us! We will learn basic concepts of tracking as well as learn the energies and lessons of different animals! FRICTION FIRE:We will learn concepts of how to tend and invite the element of fire. PLANT MEDICINE:Learn concepts of plant communication and plant medicine while crafting healing potions! EXPLORING ANCESTRY: We will inquire into our own cultural ancestry, while learning about the Indigenous history of the land we are on and the people who live here. Youth will have some homework during the camp, and are encouraged to attend the whole week. Participants are also welcome to attend days as they are able. *Queer, Trans, Non-Binary and Girl identified youth highly encouraged to attend. **Some scholarships available. ***Teen Internships Available Once again, please do not use this program as childcare. Many of the topics and activities require that the youth is interested in the topics. We will be offering a variety of summer camps this summer for youth interested in forest school and forest play! More info coming soon! Stay posted! ------------------------------ If you are an adult mentor interested in teaching a workshop and/or volunteering, please contact [email protected] PoC and QTPoC highly encouraged to apply. We may be able to offer some compensation for workshops, depending on enrollment/funds.

when: June 25 @ 9am - June 29 @ 3pm
where: Acorns NW Forest School, Various Parks, Olympia, WA, 98502 (map)
category: Youth Camps


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