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New Hope International Celebration!

New Hope International Celebration!

New Hope International Celebration!
Apr 13

New Hope International Celebration!

New Hope International, Passionist Earth and Spirit Center, Kentucky Peace Corps Association, and Common Earth Gardens invite you to the... New Hope International Celebration! Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 2-5pm at the St. Agnes Parish Center, 1920 Newburg Road Join us for an afternoon of music, storytelling, farm tours, information sharing, and a potluck meal with Louisville families from across the world! Please bring a dish or dessert to share Dress for the weather RSVP through the link on this page Parking is available by entering the large parking lot on the left side of St. Agnes School. Drive to the back of the church building to park and join us through the Parish Center door. Questions?  Email Judy at [email protected] About the New Hope International Farm The New Hope International Farm was established in the spring of 2017 on the property of the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center.  It is the agriculture program of New Hope International.  Since 2017, over 14 farmers from Burundi and Congo have managed the property as a community farm.  The farm is made of up several plots that total 1 acre of land around the Passionist property and includes vegetable production, bee hives, and two high tunnels.  The farmers mostly grow intore (an African eggplant), mchicha (a green in the amaranth family that's similar to spinach), and cassava for their families and community.  They also grow food for the Earth and Spirit Center's Camp Nature Odyssey during the summer.

when: April 13 @ 2pm - 5pm
where: St. Agnes Parish Center, 1920 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, 40205 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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