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Make-Your-Own Gendertastic Coloring Book Making with Jacinta Bunnell

Make-Your-Own Gendertastic Coloring Book Making with Jacinta Bunnell

Make-Your-Own Gendertastic Coloring Book Making with Jacinta Bunnell
Apr 27

Make-Your-Own Gendertastic Coloring Book Making with Jacinta Bunnell

Are you super over Disney's Princess Industrial Complex? Do you wish Bert and Ernie had a queen-size bed they sleep in together? Are you frustrated with the lack of gender-fluidity and queer visibility in youth media? Now's your chance to change all that! Here is a place to let your visions for a better, more inclusive world get back at all the fairy tales that have interrupted your feminist dreams.This workshop with Jacinta Bunnell is like spending an hour in the craft cabin at your favorite summer camp. Using found images from pop culture, you will transform these ordinary images into your own gender-tastic and feminist coloring book. Because so much of children’s media does not include Transgender, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, Gender-fluid and Feminist characters and ideas, we will deliberately work to change this. Hundreds of these D.I.Y. (Do-It-Yourself) coloring books exist around the country as Jacinta has left behind a trail of inspiration in every place she's traveled. Don't miss the chance to make friends, cut-n-paste with a real glue stick, and change the direction of pop media. No longer will there be a shocking lack of narratives for gender outlaws! We will make truths to set people free. No artistic experience necessary. Recommended ages: 9-17. Books and activities will be available for younger kids. This workshop is part of the programming for Lil' Radicals: Multicultural + Social Justice Publications for Kids in the 21st Century on view from April 6-June 1, 2019. Instructor Bio: Jacinta Bunnell has been leading zine-making and book-making workshops since 1996. Jacinta is the author of four coloring books: Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away With Another Spoon, Girls Will Be Boys Will Be Girls Will Be..., Girls Are Not Chicks, The Big Gay Alphabet, and several self-published zines. She has facilitated workshops in collectives, schools, bookstores, libraries and LGBTQ centers around the US and Canada, touring with The Sparkle Kids Action Network, Gadabout Film Festival, Anne Elizabeth Moore and Neko Case. Jacinta has been making coloring books since 2001, long before this current adult coloring book trend ever got started! Jacinta Bunnell is one of the top-selling authors for PM Press, a radical, truly independent publisher based in Oakland, CA.

when: April 27 @ 2pm - 4pm
where: Booklyn, Inc., 140 58th Street, Bldg B-7G, Brooklyn, NY, 11220 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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