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Camps for Creatives: Creative Coding

Camps for Creatives: Creative Coding

Camps for Creatives: Creative Coding
Jun 24

Camps for Creatives: Creative Coding

June 24 to 28 Creative Coding We are super excited to add Creative Coding to our summer camp offerings.  In Creative Coding we program in a way that promotes creative thinking and exploration. We’ll use Scratch 3.0, MakeCode, Makey Makeys, Microbits, Chibi Chips, and more to creatively connect the digital and physical worlds. This is not a step by step approach to writing code, rather it’s a playful exploration that will spark interest and increase engagement. Any skill level is welcome, we’re always adding new possibilities to explore.  Designer: A.M. Darke, Game Designer and Assistant Professor of Games and Playable Media at UCSC. All camps will take place in our new studio in Jack London and they will be co-led by our Learning Lead and professional designers. The camps are designed for young people between the ages of 7-10, and 10-13. The camps run Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 3:30pm with an aftercare option with an hourly charge. Camps are $500 each, with discounts for early enrollment and adjusted rates for families that demonstrate a financial need. In addition to working on our main projects, we’ll eat and play in a local park, and have shorter experiences to develop interest in the process of design. Discount Codes:Use code “March” for $50 off before the end of March.

when: June 24 @ 9am - June 28 @ 3:30pm
where: Square School, 95 Linden Street, Suite #2, Oakland, CA, 94607 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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