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 O-Academy: Memorial Day( Summer)Break Camp 2019

O-Academy: Memorial Day( Summer)Break Camp 2019

 O-Academy: Memorial Day( Summer)Break Camp 2019
May 28

O-Academy: Memorial Day( Summer)Break Camp 2019

O-ACADEMY Camp at the Outdoor Activity Center (OAC) provides youth, ages 5-12, with a safe and supportive place to explore nature and help care for our environment. Hosted by West Atlanta Watershed Alliance, our experienced staff are environmental educators and certified interpretive guides, who foster outdoor skills. They are caring, creative and will help your child make meaningful connections to nature.  Camper must bring a lunch, wear sturdy footwear, and dress for the weather.  Healthy snacks and water provided for campers. Please keep in mind when packing lunch, no refrigeration or microwave available. Each child should bring a refillable water bottle, wear play clothes, long socks and sturdy shoes. Please no sandals or flimsy footwear (hikes daily). Apply sunscreen and insect repellent each morning, as we will be outdoors (rain or shine). The topics for the Break Camp are:  SUMMER AWAITS!!!!     Please call the Outdoor Activity Center if you have questions 404-752-5385  Thank you  O-Academy Team                                                                                                                                                               FAQs   Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? Child(ren) must be at least 5 years old to attend camp  What is the refund policy?  Monies may be applied to a future O-Academy Camp or O-Academy Activity.  

when: May 28 @ 9am - May 31 @ 4pm
where: West Atlanta Watershed Alliance:Outdoor Activity Center, 1442 Richland Rd SW, Atlanta, GA, 30058 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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