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Kids Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

Kids Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

Kids Entrepreneurship Summer Camp
Jun 10

Kids Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

Through a range of events, seminars, activities, and working sessions, participants ages 5-14 will understand how to develop their creative entrepreneurial side. These sessions offer a series of seminars and workshops that focus on taking entrepreneurial ideas to the next level. Through fun games, projects, and group activities, students learn the art of business, leadership skills, marketing and pricing strategies, team work,  critical problem solving skills, and financial literacy. Students develop a business idea that they will develop throughout the summer that will present to family and friends, during the end of camp Business Expo that they will help to plan and execute.   ​​​Our academic tutoring component includes focusing on the following areas: Addition  Subtraction  Multiplication  Division Decimals and Fractions  Reading  Mastering Phonics  Increasing fluency  Building Vocabulary  Reading Comprehension Additional activities include: On-site adventures Games Self-defense instruction Scavenger hunts Arts and crafts Movies Community Service- volunteer projects Field trips Fitness Yoga Team Building Social Emotional Learning Instruction Guest Speakers Cultural Experiences Tons of outdoor fun! ​​ At the end of the Summer Camp, students will participate in a Business Expo, where they will setup a pop-up shop to display/sell their products and services.  This final event will be open to the public. Lunch is included in cost.  ATTEND AN OPEN HOUSE TO GET MORE DETAILS OR VISIT WWW.MYCOMPASSOUTREACH.ORG.

when: June 10 @ 7:30am - August 9 @ 6pm
where: Compass Outreach and Education Center, 1600 Southwest 5th Place, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33312 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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