Contact:|[email protected] GrowHer, Inc.™, a Georgia nonprofit corporation presents Grow, Glow, Shine Summer Camp 2019. The camp is a 5-week mentorship program for youth girls aged 10 to 12. Areas of focus include: - Arts and Crafts - Culinary - Public Speaking and Creative Writing - Self-Care and Grooming - Community Service - Improv/Dance - Charm School GrowHer, Inc. will provide its campers with mentorship via fun-filled and action-packed curriculum, lectures/seminars, workshops, apprenticeships, and community service projects. Campers will build self-confidence and self-esteem while developing strong relationships and lasting memories! All services are prepared and delivered by trusted specialists and experienced, professionals and community leaders who have previous experience working with children and have skills and knowledge in the areas of : -Career Development and Continuing Education -Community Service and Philanthropy -Health and Nutrition -Ministry and Biblical Studies Campers will have the opportunity to display their growth and development to their parents and special guests at at a talent showcase at the end of the 5-week program. DATE & TIME Monday through Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Early arrivals and late departures are welcome.* Camp Session: June 17 - July 26 CAMP FEE $550, Registration open April 1 - June 7. Register online at Tuition includes: Lite breakfast, lunch and snack, program membership, course materials, and supplies *****Multi-family discount pricing are available upon request**** Additional fees: $25 for camp (2) t-shirts VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you're interested in volunteering for the Grow, Glow, Shine Summer Camp please email your resume to [email protected]. *A daily fee of $15 will be assessed for early and/or late arrival and/or departing campers. Weekly pricing is available upon request.