This six-day summer camp (Monday, July 15th to Saturday, July 20th) begins with the topic "Leadership 101" and ends with a Five-course meal (Dining like a Diplomat). It's designed for young men (ages 8 - 15) to become fully enriched with knowledge, as they learn a wide variety of topics; through discussion, hands-on interaction, roleplay, and laughter. ELII believes when a person (no matter of their age) understands the meaning of Rules of Etiquette they have greater self-awareness, self-esteem, and ultimately gain a great sense of self-confidence; leading to treating others with respect, common courtesies, building relationships, and most of all, cultivating a prosperous and successful future. > July 15th - Monday (6:00 - 7:30 PM): Leadership 101: > July 16th - Tuesday (6:00 - 7:30 PM): Facilitating 101 - conflict resolution: > July 17th - Wednesday (6:00 - 7:30 PM): Art of Communication: 1. My role model is and why? 2. My top three goals in life are and why? 3. Who am I? > July 18th - Thursday (6:00 - 7:30 PM): Developing confidence within: > July 19th - Friday (6:00 - 7:30 PM): ABCs of Table Manners: > July 27th - Saturday (1:00 - 3:00 PM): Dine like a Diplomate; Note: #1) Parents and family members are welcome to dine with their child/sibling for a special price of $45.00 #2) All inclusive; certificate of attendance, five-course meal, material/booklets, fun, knowledge, and kindness learned.