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Summer Camp at Slide Ranch - Week 7: July 22-26 - Slide Explorers (5-8

Summer Camp at Slide Ranch - Week 7: July 22-26 - Slide Explorers (5-8) & Jr Environmental Educators (14-18)

Summer Camp at Slide Ranch - Week 7: July 22-26 - Slide Explorers (5-8) & Jr Environmental Educators (14-18)
Jul 22

Summer Camp at Slide Ranch - Week 7: July 22-26 - Slide Explorers (5-8) & Jr Environmental Educators (14-18)

Consider becoming a member for early access to registration for camp, family programs and events. Join our email list for all event news! Slide Ranch Summer Camps are an exciting way to light up any young person’s summer. Our camps provide unique, hands-dirty opportunities for learning, growth, and fun - all at our working ranch on the stunning Marin County coast. Campers spend their week immersed in the natural world, becoming stewards of the environment. Each camp week is loaded with creative, enriching activities led by skilled environmental educators. Campers milk our goats, care for our chickens, hike our wild lands, explore tide pools, get crafty with wool and nature, tend and harvest our organic garden, make farm fresh food, learn about plant and animal ecosystems, and more.  This engaging experience will spark a life-long appreciation of the outdoors in your child, and help them explore how people and the environment are all connected. In 2019 we will host 10 weeks of Summer Camps, each targeting specialized age groups: Slide Explorers (ages 5-8) - June 17 & July 22, 9am-2pm  Junior Farmers (ages 8-13) - June 24 & July 29, 9am-3pm Ranch Rangers (ages 5-13) - June 10, July 1, July 8, July 15, 9-2pm Junior Environmental Educator (ages 14-18) - June 10, June 17, July 8, July 15, July 22, August 5, August 12, 9am-2pm Teen Camp (ages 16-18) - June 24, July 29, 9am-3pm Camps offered Week 7 Slide Explorers (Ages 5-8)$450/weekSlide Explorers takes place from 9am-2pm Mon-Fri. Aftercare is available until 5pm Mon-Thurs.The Slide Explorers camp weeks, geared for our youngest campers, abound in hands-on, sensory-rich activities. Campers discover exciting tastes, smells, textures and colors and in simple garden-based cooking projects. They make connections with and learn how to take care of animal friends. Days are full of fun and games, story-telling, songs, crafts, hikes, beach play and exploration. Children develop their understanding of the needs of animals and plants and make connections with their environment and each other. Junior Environmental Educators (Ages 14-18)$100/weekJunior Environmental Educators (JEEs) takes place from 9am-2pm Mon-Fri. Aftercare is available (at no cost for JEEs) until 5pm Mon-Thurs.Junior Environmental Educators program empowers teens with skills and experience to become future youth leaders and outdoor educators. Junior Environmental Educators each join a summer camp group and support their Slide Ranch teacher-mentor to facilitate a fun and engaging week of camp. Each afternoon, JEEs will join with their peer cohort for team building, nature craft and garden cooking activities and youth leadership training.  If camp is sold out, please join the waitlist here:Slide ExplorersJEEs What Does Your Child Do at Slide Ranch Summer Camp? Slide Ranch emphasizes hands-on experience and exploration of our working farm and surrounding countryside. Campers are encouraged to touch, taste, smell, hear, observe, and ask questions. We focus on teaching respect for animals, plants, the earth and each other. Slide Ranch campers milk goats, collect eggs from chickens and ducks, card and spin wool, create nature-based crafts, learn to compost, plant seeds, harvest and cook from our organic garden, and explore the tide pools and trails of our beautiful coastal lands.  Slide Ranch Teachers-in-Residence, lead small, age-based groups of about 8-10 campers, tailoring the activities and focus to the interests, age, and needs of the campers in each group. In our Junior Environmental Educators program, teens each join a summer camp group and support their Slide Ranch teacher-mentor to facilitate a fun and engaging week of camp.  This program empowers teens with skills and experience to become future youth leaders and outdoor educators, earning a certificate of completion.  Each afternoon, JEEs will join with their peer cohort for team building, nature craft and garden cooking activities and youth leadership training.     Slide Explorer, Ranch Ranger and Junior Environmental Educator programs begin at 9am and end at 2pm. Aftercare is available for all campers Monday through Thursday in 1-hour increments until 5:00pm for an additional fee. Campers bring their own bagged lunch each day, and receive a Slide Ranch t-shirt. On Fridays we invite families to join the end-of-camp festivities (starting at 12:30), meet other families and learn more about Slide Ranch. Campers will host a Farmer's Market, sharing their group's creations. If you are unable to attend, please make sure that your child is picked up by camp end at 2pm. Cancellation and Change Policy You will be eligible for a full refund (minus a $50 processing fee) if your Summer Camp cancellation is made at least 8 weeks before the Program start date. Cancellations received with less than 8 weeks' notice WILL NOT be eligible for a refund unless a replacement is available to take your spot. If you would like to reschedule your program, a $50 processing fee will be charged and changes will be accommodated only when there is space available. AftercareAftercare is available for all campers Monday through Thursday in 1-hour increments until 5pm for an additional fee of $20/hour, $15/hour sibling rate (no cost for JEEs). There is no pre-registration for after care. Campers can drop-in and families can pay by check or credit card at the time of service or at the end of the week. Scholarships are available by application for low-income families and will be awarded on the basis of need and availability. Please apply here. Recap of all 2019 Summer Camp Dates (by week):Week 1: June 10-15, 9am-2pmRanch Rangers (5-13)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)Week 2: June 17-21, 9am-2pmSlide Explorers (5-8)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)Week 3: June 24-28, 9am-3pmJunior Farmers (8-13)/Teen Camp (16-18)Week 4: July 1-3 *no camp Thurs-Fri*, 9am-2pmRanch Rangers (5-13)Week 5: July 8-12, 9am-2pmRanch Rangers (5-13)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)Week 6: July 15-19, 9am-2pmRanch Rangers (5-13)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)Week 7: July 22-26, 9am-2pmSlide Explorers (5-8)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)Week 8: July 29-August 2, 9am-3pmJunior Farmers (8-13)/Teen Camp (16-18)Week 9: August 5-9, 9am-2pmRanch Rangers (5-13)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)Week 10: August 12-16, 9am-2pmRanch Rangers (5-13)/Junior Environmental Educators (14-18)

when: July 22 @ 9am - July 26 @ 2pm
where: Slide Ranch, 2025 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach, CA, 94965 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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