Do you want your child to experience the fun of learning through a reading and recreational summer program?Camp Summer Quest 2019 is now open for registration. We have ONLY 15 openings available for our 10 week summer program. Each year we have so many opportunities and activities in store for your child. We like to break our 10 week program into 5 two-week sessions with a theme for each session. We love to partner with community programs that offer an enriching experience for your child. Each session your child will receive swimming lessons at North Shore Pool and a day to just have fun at the pool to practice those swimming skills. Our children enjoying sharing their skills jumping off the diving board, enjoying the slides, or a game of Marco Polo. On Tuesdays our campers will get an opportunity to learn leadership and communication skills through Toastmasters International Youth Program. Wednesdays we love to hear from our local youth pastors and pastors to share a lesson from the Word of God. Thursdays we like to bring in a community leader to offer an interactive and engaging activitiy. Fridays are our days to explore the happenings in their world through an off campus field trip. Each session has a recreational field trip and an educational field trip. When do the children learn to read and improve their skills?We have activities woven in throughout the day. Camp Summer Quest is open to boys and girls between the ages of 9-12 years old.