Campers will explore five very exciting topics, two weeks in length, each providing a unique environment. Throughout the weeks campers will have the opportunity to solve mysteries, go on field trips, create an invention, plan and cook a meal, go to a live play, build tools, set up experiments and build unique structures. A child’s summer at Bluebonnet is a grand and fun adventure. But more than fun, it is an opportunity to reinforce the learning skills just mastered in the school year. Keeping bodies active and minds constantly working and thinking is our goal for children at Bluebonnet Summer Camp. You may choose individuals weeks convenient for your family, but keep in mind that our session topics are two weeks long. Our program is designed for youngsters who have finished kindergarten through 4th grade. Take a look at the fun activities, camp visitors and field trips we have planned for each session below. Camp Highlights Exciting projects, camp visitors and field trips Frequent water play on our own water park & pool Free week of camp if 10 weeks are paid in full before May 1 Open at 6:45 & close at 6:30 A nutritious lunch and morning & afternoon snacks served Internet viewing of classrooms giving parents peace of mind Enormous outdoor spaces & soccer field Available for youngsters finishing K - 4th grade 1 Week Session: $239 Spaces are limited! Call 512-331-9009 today!