We would love to invite you all out for our upcoming event. It's our 3rd Annual Culture Day it will be held at the Keith YMCA May 18th 11pm to 5pm. A day of Culture appreciation and Olympic style games between 12 non profit organizations around the city. 1st to 3rd place prizes will be 1st place $500, 2nd place winners (a 50 inch television) and 3rd place winner (a YMCA SUMMER CAMP MEMBERSHIP for a week free). We will have 12 teams 8 kids (10-16), 2 Adult Captains and 2 first responders. Do you want to register your organization? Registration fee is $50 (UNLESS YOU PARTICIPATED LAST YEAR) and we have 20 tables available for all social entreprenuers in the city. Vendor fees will be $25 To be a sponsor of this event please contact Ashwin Ramesh for details. We will have Soccer, Archery, Gaga Ball, Marathon Race, Swimming competitions and a Championship Kickball game. The goal is to have 12 first responders to participate in the games to build better community relations with the community they serve.