EXTREME SUMMER CAMP 2019 GOALS FOR THE PROGRAM To provide Activities that will continue to meet the youths’ ages and stages of development physically, mentally emotionally, and spiritually. To provide care that includes a health/ nutrition component. To develop new links, maintain, and extend existing ones between the church, summer camp, and the community. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM The summer camp will provide services for 36 children (ages three to fifteen years), five days per week, for 4 weeks (June 10th thru July 4th), during the hours of 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We will culminate with an Extreme Summer Camp Cookout for the children, their families, as well as the church. The cost of the summer camp will be set at $100 ($25 per week for 4 weeks). Children attending the summer camp will be divided into three (3) groups: participate on a daily basis in indoor and outdoor activities designed to continue fostering the development of large and fine motor skills, Children attending the summer camp will receive breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack provided in accordance with their age and nutritional needs Qualified church members and residents from the community will be the volunteer summer camp staff. If you know of a high school student needing community volunteer credit please call (404) 627-6800 or 6804. They will receive a letter and certificate of hours upon completion of the camp. Thank You and See You at EXTREME SUMMER CAMP!