We believe in the empowerment of girls. Actually, our mission is to help girls (and women) to live in joy by empowering them with the tools to live as the leaders of their lives. Why? Because confidence is key. It's the most common problem at the core of women's issues. And studies show that a girls' self esteem peaks between 9-12 years of age. Our Summer Empowerment Series includes a power packed curriculum geared to get your special girl thinking critically about who she is, how she sees herself, and what makes her AMAZING! CONFIDENCE is key. With activities focused on her mental, physical, and emotional empowerment your special girl is surely to have fun while making New friends and fostering the skills that will help her achieve/maintain higher confidence. This weeK our EMPOWERMENT focus will be on being a Self Care Queen. Self Care inside & out! Our camp includes daily intention/goal setting, group discussions, physical challenges, basic lessons on nutrition, and huge doses of FUN! We definetly hope she can give it a go & look forward to seeing her there! -Leisis