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Camp Logan Panel Discussion at The Gregory School

Camp Logan Panel Discussion at The Gregory School

Camp Logan Panel Discussion at The Gregory School
Jul 10

Camp Logan Panel Discussion at The Gregory School

Race and Riots: The Legacy of Camp Logan Violence has impacted almost every ethnic and racial group in the United States, and it has had a particularly horrific effect on African American life. Race and Riots- The Legacy of Camp Logan will provide context, and connect to the concepts present in the work of Jefferson Pinder’s “Red Summer Tour”. Through the Camp Logan uprising, the panel will provide an understanding of the circumstances under which protests and rebellions are interpreted as riots.  We hope you can join us!

when: July 10 @ 6pm - 8pm
where: The African American Library at the Gregory School, 1300 Cleveland St., Parking/Entrance on 1300 Cleveland, Houston, Texas, 77019 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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