During the Super Saturday Series, teachers will have an opportunity to work alongside students, participating in mini-lessons and workshop writing in a day designed by our team of highly skilled teacher consultants. Teachers will walk away with lesson materials and the experience of participating in a vibrant writing community that they will be able to replicate in their classrooms. These tickets are for Saturday, November 16 only. To purchase a discounted ticket to all 3 Super Saturdays click here. Teachers may also opt to sign up for units through San Jose State University at an additional fee to be collected in person after the first Super Saturday (see below for details). If you choose to sign up for units, please reserve your spot here. Event Schedule 9:30-10:00am - Registration in front of Sweeney Hall Courtyard 10:00-10:30am - Pre-conference with teacher consultant on lesson objectives & plans 10:30-12:30pm - Participate in a Super Saturday lesson led by teacher consultant alongside students 12:30-1:00pm - Debrief with the teacher consultant to discuss instructional moves 1:00-2:15pm - PLC meeting for teachers earning units Course Descriptions Grades K-3 - What Do Writers Talk About? Writing alongside our students is walking the walk, and we soon find that we also need to talk the talk. How do you talk with children about writing beyond pointing out spelling or punctuation errors? In this session, students will explore some ways writers talk to themselves and to readers to revise drafts. Writers need feedback while developing a story; talk is important in the rehearsal stage for writing and even more so when sharing a first draft. Teachers confer with individual writers or small groups to give students strategies they can use in their next pieces. Our method is to teach the writer, not the writing. Workshop includes wonderful read-aloud picture books, with discussion on the writing moves behind these books, to inspire children to try their hand. You’re invited to join conversations about writing in the free parallel session, Parent University, while your child is in writing workshop. Lorena Lopez is a SJAWP teacher consultant, instructional coach and Assistant Principal | 6th Grade Advisor, Hoover Middle School Laura Brown is a retired intervention coach and co-director with SJAWP. She co-directs the Invitational Summer Institute and the summer Writing Workshop for students. Grades 4-7 - Rule 3: Timing is Everything SJAWP Associate Director Jane Gilmore leads the Novel Writing Program and co-directs the Creative Writing Camp at Cumberland as well as the Teen Writers Institute at San Jose State. Arcadia Conrad is a writer and director of the award-winning Cupertino Actors Theater out of Cupertino High School. Grades 8-12 - Branching Left, Branching Right: How We Develop Longer Sentences “Uh-oh, this sentence is getting pretty long. Prolly a run-on. How am I supposed to know, anyway?” One way to know is to understand the difference between the left branch and the right branch. Once you know this, you can write sentences as long or as short as you want! Martin Brandt is a Teacher Consultant with SJAWP and teaches at Independence High School, East Side Union HSD.