The North Alabama Congregational Holiness Church Christian Education Department would like to announce our 2015 Youth Camp. This event will be June 21st thru June 25th, our theme this year is Camp Discovery "Jesus at work through us". The early registration will be at our Giant Youth Rally, June 6th, 2015, this year the fee will be $65 on this day and $70 if you wait until the day of, so register early and save $5.00. Our speaker will be Reverend Jason Lee, a former camper and a outstanding minister for both the young and the young at heart. There will be classes for all ages and under 6 must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. Your Pastor or Youth Pastor will have detailed information for you on Sunday. Chester the Squirrel will be there and we hope you will as well. Remember our theme "Jesus, at work through us"! See you at camp, Piedmont Springs Campground, Piedmont, Alabama