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MAS Youth Summer Camp! August 7th-9th - Junction City, KS

MAS Youth Summer Camp! August 7th-9th - Junction City, KS

MAS Youth Summer Camp! August 7th-9th - Junction City, KS
Aug 06

MAS Youth Summer Camp! August 7th-9th - Junction City, KS

WHEN IS THE CAMP? The camp will, Insha'Allah, be from Friday, August 7th - Sunday, August 9th. WHERE WILL THE CAMP TAKE PLACE? Rock Springs 4-H Center in Junction City, KS. It is about 2 - 2.5 hours away from Kansas City. Transportation will be provided, Insha'Allah. (Please see details below.) WHO MAY ATTEND THE CAMP? Young youth boys and girls ages 11-18 only. WHAT IS THE COST TO ATTEND THE CAMP? The cost is $90 per child by July 24th midnight. After July 24th, the cost will go up to $110/per child. Registration space is limited. WHEN IS THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER? For the early registration discount, register by Friday, July 24th. After July 24th, the cost will go up to $110 instead of $90. The last day to register is Friday, July 31st. Registration will close after July 31st or before if all spots have been filled. WILL TRANSPORTATION BE PROVIDED FOR THE CAMP? Yes, as of now, we will have two departing locations: one from ISGKC and the other from ICK. In the registration form is where one can specify where they would like to depart from. Everyone must begin gathering for departure no later than 3:30 pm on Friday, August 7th, at the specified departure location. For the return, we will leave the camp site on Sunday, August 9th, at about 12:00 pm and be back to the original locations of departure at about 4:00 PM, Insha'Allah. WILL THERE BE ANY ADULT SUPERVISORS? Yes, there will be adult supervision both on the brothers' and sisters' sides. WILL FOOD BE PROVIDED? Yes, there will be breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffets provided for everyone, Insha'Allah. WHAT ARE THE SLEEPING CONDITIONS AT THE CAMP? Sleeping will be arranged in cabins. Boys and girls will be in separate cabins away from each other. WHAT TYPES OF ACTIVITIES WILL BE AT THE CAMP? We will have Tarbiyah activities spread throughout the camp as well as the activities that the campsite provides us, such as a camp fire, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, archery, rifle shooting, and leadership activities. ARE THERE ANY ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CAMP? No, the registration fee is all-inclusive. WHAT DO ATTENDEES NEED TO BRING WITH THEM FOR THE CAMP? Just the usual attire for when one travels would be expected such as an extra change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. A sleeping bag and pillow would be preferred but not necessary. Please bring a Quran as well. ARE ELECTRONICS PERMITTED? Although the cell phone connection is weak at much of the camp site, cellular phones are permitted. Electronics are permitted only for the bus rides to and from the campsite. HOW DO I REGISTER? You may register online at or stop by one of the camp registration booths at ISGKC or ICK on designated Fridays after Jumuah prayer. WHAT IF I HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? Please email [email protected].

when: August 6 @ 9pm - 9pm
where: Rock Springs 4-H Center, 1168 Highway K-157, Junction City, KS 66441 (map)
category: Summer Camps


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