On October 18th, Nevaeh will be riding her new adaptive bike for 5 miles with TEAM FOCUS in Spin For Kids to raise money for Camp Twin Lakes. CTL an incredible organization that provides camp programs for children with serious illnesses, disabilities, and other life challenges. We look forward to Nevaeh one day attending CTL. You can help Nevaeh Spin For Kids by riding in this event or by donating on her behalf. Her fundraising goal is $250 and 100% of the money you donate goes directly to campers at Camp Twin Lakes, so your gift will make a difference in a child's life. Thank you for your time and any consideration of helping Nevaeh Spin For Kids! Below is the link to register or donate. If you choose to donate search by participant and enter Nevaeh West to make sure she receives credit towards her fundraising goal. http://support.camptwinlakes.org/site/TR?fr_id=1050&pg=entry