Annapolis Area Christian School is a private, non-denominational Christian school located in Annapolis and Severn, Maryland. It serves grades pre-K through 12 and currently enrolls about 900 students.It was founded in the Reformed tradition in 1971. There are currently four campuses, two Lower Schools, one Middle School, and one Upper School . Central Administration is located at the Upper School campus in Severn.Annapolis Area Christian School is accredited by Christian Schools International, Association of Christian Schools International, the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and the National Institute of Learning Disabilities. It is approved by the Maryland State Board of Education.AcademicsBible classes are required for every year of school. The school is nondenominational and requires that at least one parent be a practicing Christian before they will accept a student into the school.The school offers many Advanced Placement classes, including American Literature, English Literature, Government, Biology, Physics, Calculus, Spanish, Music Theory, and United States History.The school requires all seniors to complete a Senior Practicum. Students work closely with a senior mentor to identify a problem in the world, research the causes, write a research paper proposing a redemptive solution, conduct a service project to help fix the problem, and present a public final presentation describing the work they've completed over the course of the year.
Annapolis Area Christian School, 716 Bestgate Rd, Annapolis, MD, 21401