Real Youthworkers Training Real Youthworkers SPARK Conference in Dallas, Texas is three events in one. Boot Camp: (2 days) For those just starting out in youth ministry OR those who have been doing it awhile and want to re-think the basics. Professional Seminars In Youth Ministry: (3 Days) Get Deeper How To’s, Expand Your Thinking, Grow Your Faith, Reshape Your Ministry, Push Your Limits Certification Class: (7+ Days) Taught at a graduate student level but open to anyone in Youth Ministry regardless of educational background. This class takes you deep over a 24 month period of 5 total classes, 3 in person at SPARK and 2 on-line. The five classes are: Youth Ministry, The Bible in Youth Ministry, Theology in Youth Ministry, United Methodist Studies, and Adolescent World.
SPARK Youth Ministry Conference in Dallas, 1215 Turner Ave, Dallas, TX, 75208