Villa Park High School is a suburban public high school in Villa Park, California. The school was built in 1964 and is one of four comprehensive high schools in the Orange Unified School District. The campus serves students residing in Villa Park and portions of the cities of Orange and Anaheim.Enrollment at VPHS is 2,491 students. The ethnic breakdown of the student population is 20.9% Asian, 56.7% Hispanic,.16% African American and 16.5% white . The professional staff includes 88 teachers, five counselors, a library media specialist, a career adviser, an activities director, and three administrators. A dedicated classified staff also supports the school program.The school Academic Performance Index for the 2011–2012 school year was 815, a 6-point increase over the previous year. The regular school day begins at 7:55 AM and ends at 2:46 PM. A small number of earlier classes are available for students who want to begin and finish their school day earlier. These "zero period" classes meet from 6:55—7:56 A.M.AthleticsThe school mascot is a Spartan and its colors are Columbia blue, silver, and black. Students at Villa Park High School compete in the following sports:
Villa Park High School, 18042 Taft Ave, Villa Park, CA, 92861