3 Ways to Apply What You Learned In Summer Camp to Your School Life
Whichever type of summer camp you attended this summer, your program most likely focused on providing you with new experiences and positive memories. These new experiences often translate to lifelong skills such as better teamwork and communication or greater self-confidence. However, as you return to school you may wonder how your camp experiences can improve your school life.
Below are three ways that you can apply what you learned at summer camp to your school life:
1. Use Your New Skills In Your Special Projects
You can take many of the hard skills you leaned at summer camp and use them in academic situations. For example, you may choose to base a physics project on your new-found love of archery. Or perhaps you will use your experience horseback riding to write an essay for your English class. Any time you have a special project in school, consider whether you can use the skills you learned at summer camp to make your project more unique and interesting for you and your teachers.
2. Use Your New Social Skills to Create Healthy Relationships With Your Classmates and Teachers
While you were at summer camp you most likely did not only learn hard skills, but also soft skills such as teamwork and communication. These skills can come in handy when you have group projects at school or when you are nervous discussing issues with a particular teacher. Any time you are having problems with teachers or classmates, ask yourself how you would deal with this problem if you were still at camp and then create decide on your best plan of action.
3. Be Yourself and Be Positive to Make New Friends
Camp is a great place to make new friends because people tend to be more friendly and outgoing at camp. However, you can apply the same methods for making new friends at school. By smiling more, being open and positive, and showing interest in others, you can find yourself expanding your social circle at school and experiencing less stress.
The skills you learned at camp will benefit you your entire life. You can start applying them to your school life to see how they will improve your experiences.