4 Freelancing Skills Your Teen Learns at Summer Camp
There is a growing trend for individuals to take on work as freelancers or as small business owners. Summer camps are one avenue where your children can learn the critical skills that will make them a successful freelancer or entrepreneur. Around 1/3 of Americans engage in freelance work, and that number is expected to grow.
Discovering New Interests
One of the most important aspects of an entrepreneur is that they tend to pursue projects they are passionate about. Summer camp exposes your teen to several different activities that they may not have a chance to explore otherwise. This can help them find their niche early and begin learning the skills necessary to succeed in their field in the future.
Planning and Problem Solving
From challenge courses to art projects, a big part of summer camp life involves problem solving, both in groups and as an individual. Many summer camps focus on teaching teens basic problem solving methods involving identifying problems, exploring solutions, and implementing decisions. They also help teens identify ways to apply these skills to problems outside of camp, from school projects to personal relationships.
These problem solving skills can come in handy in the future when your teen decides to plan and open a business.
In today's interconnected world, networking is one of the biggest skills an entrepreneur needs. Summer camp teaches shy teens how to interact with others while teaching outgoing teens how to listen and communicate in order to build authentic connections.
Your teen will likely come away with the ability to break the ice when meeting someone new as well as skills for working with people they do not know, both of which will help them make the most of future networking opportunities.
Developing Independence
Whether your child grows up to be a freelancer or a business owner, it is important that they are able to work on their own. The days of mentor-ship in the business world are quickly fading, so it is likely your teen will have to figure out many things as they go.
Summer camp can help increase your child's confidence and independence. As your child will likely choose their own schedule, be accountable for their self-care, and have camp-mates depending on them for team projects, your child will learn basic independence.
Summer camps often help prepare a teen for life as an entrepreneur in ways that school does not. It is important to research programs for your teen soon.