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5 Reasons Your Child Should Not Take Pictures at Summer Camp

5 Reasons Your Child Should Not Take Pictures at Summer Camp


One of the best ways to keep summer camp memories is by snapping photos to look back on. However, there are several reasons why you may want to encourage your child to limit their picture taking.

1. Pictures Distract Your Child From Participating

While taking pictures can be fun, it can also distract your child from participating in the activities they are photographing. You would not want your child to miss rock climbing because they are busy taking photos of their friends.

2. Cameras Can Get Lost or Broken at Camp

Cameras and cell phones can be an expensive piece of equipment. However, with all of the movement at camp, they can easily get misplaced or broken. If you send your child with a camera, consider a cheap disposable rather than your high-end digital camera.

3. Other Children May Not Want Their Pictures Taken

Camp is supposed to be a safe place where children can explore their personalities and style. Because of this, other campers may not want their pictures taken. For example, some campers may wear makeup every day at school but opt to go makeup-free while at camp. Your child should respect their right to feel comfortable and safe by not taking pictures of them.

4. Other Parents May Not Want Pictures Of Their Children Shared

Many parents have valid reasons for not wanting their child photographed, including issues with separated parents or other caregivers. If your child does take photos while at camp, discourage them from uploading the photos on social media unless it is through a protected website related to the camp.

5. Your Camp May Not Allow Cell Phones

Many summer camps do not allow cell phones, but this is the most common tool that children use for taking photos. Even if your child is only using their cell phone for pictures, it may get taken away by a counselor if it is out when it is not supposed to be.

Keep in mind that counselors and camp staff will likely take pictures of your child at camp, so there will still be photographs to look back on even if your child is not the one snapping the photos.


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