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Free & Low-Cost Summer Camps 2019 in Dallas, Texas

Free & Low-Cost Summer Camps 2019 in Dallas, Texas


Free and low cost summer camps provide children an opportunity to experience the joy of camping. Kids learn new skills, play games and meet new friends at camp. The following camps offer free or reduced fees designed for families who financially may not be able to afford to send their child to camp. 

Top 5 Free & Low Cost Summer Camps in Dallas, TX 2016
© The University of Texas at Dallas

Dallas Park and Recreation Summer Camps

8007 E. Northwest Highway, Dallas, TX 75238

Dallas Park and Recreation offers scholarships for children ages 5-12. This 8 week camp allows your child to play games, make crafts, swim and take field trips; all under the supervision of professional camp counselors. Residents of Dallas can apply by completing a scholarship application. You will need to provide proof of residency (copy of water or utility bill will suffice.) Also, proof of qualified financial assistance program is required, such as a recent pay stub or last year’s tax return.

The Pines Catholic Camp

3530 Forest Lane #48, Dallas, TX

Along with worship services, campers also have fun playing games, dancing and more. The best part of this camp is making friends with other campers who share the same faith. This camp offers an online scholarship application for families that can't afford to send their child to camp.

Summer Camp at University of Texas

UT Dallas Department of Community Engagement
800 West Campbell Rd. HH26, Richardson, TX 75080

The summer camp program at UT offers scholarships for children who are in financial need. Youth choose from several different camps: athletic camps for ages 5 - 18. Academic camps are open to all age groups and deepen their passion for a particular area of study. Communication camps are for students ages 3-18 who have communication disorders. Fun Activities Camp is for all ages to learn about chess and iPhones. In order to receive a scholarship for this camp you must demonstrate limited financial means by proof of a recent pay stub or last year’s tax statement with your application.

Highland Park United Methodist Church Camp

3300 Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75205

This camp has given over 26,700 scholarships for inner-city children since 1970. On line applications can be completed for consideration for free or reduced camp fees. For many kids this is their first time camping for an entire week. Enjoy growing in faith as well as fun outdoor activities.

Camp Fire USA

7710 Fall Creek Hwy, Granbury, TX 76049

This coed camp is designed for children ages 6–16. Activities are will develop fine motor skills, leadership attributes and increase a sense of adventure. Chose from the following activities: archery, canoeing, swimming, zip lining, horseback riding, singing and more. Camp Scholarship applications must be completes along with proof of Dallas residency, proof of another financial assistance program, a recent pay stub or last year’s tax return. Scholarships are awarded on need and first come first served.


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